PitaPata Cat tickers

PitaPata Cat tickers

Friday, March 8, 2013

Waaaa..!!.. :D

posted by me..

hi peeps!..sorry for not updating my blog..heee..i guess nobody's read it..so its ok..i guess..but for this entry i just want to share an article about bio-kelantan exhibition last week..and our association (VETSA) feat faculty is one of the exhibitor..this is good experience for me as an one of the participant..pictures??..next entry i guess..hihi....

Utusan Malaysia.com

click here for more info..

 Till then...

p/s : i'm 4th year student and now in second semester...1 more year to go...such a bless from Allah....may Allah ease everything & bless us as a pioneer student :')


  1. ad ja orng baca, ekspo bioklntn.... pendedahan kpd produk ngara jiran

  2. memang la..ade je orang yang baca ekspo bio kelantan tu..pasal keluar paper..hahaha..tau tak pe..siap ada test kit untuk detect virus dalam orchid lagi tu...dahsyat..
